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“Fail to prepare and prepare to fail.”
– Author Unknown*

Today’s focus is creating a success plan. Natalie Sisson has built more than one six-figure business because she hasn’t let a common limiting belief get in her way; “I just don’t have enough time.”
As a recovering perfectionist, I find I can spend too much time on tasks if I don’t keep myself in check. While I was writing my plan, I heard the perfectionist in me say, “But that’s not enough time to get ‘x task’ done!” I thanked and lovingly reminded her that I don’t need her to keep me ‘safe’… Then I rocked my plan! It’s not perfect, not every day is the same for a start, but it’s done.
At the moment, I’m working on content and marketing for my VIP Days. (For women looking for the confidence to be their true selves and go for what they really want, especially after depression and/or chronic illness- so exciting!)

I also intend to ‘up’ my social media game after going quiet over the summer. I took up this 10 Day Blogging Challenge to kick-start said social media game so people know that I’m still here coaching, not living on a remote island in the middle of the Indian Ocean with a coconut as my only friend. So my current focuses are my VIP Days, my social media presence and my blog.
As part of the challenge we’ve been asked to write about what we’ll do and when we’ll do it. That’s not my usual style of post but if you’d do me the honour of indulging me just a moment…
Regarding these focuses, I have the next 2 days planned out:
Thursday: 11am-12noon VIP Day Course, 12noon-1pm Twitter networking, Plan and broadcast on Periscope, 2-4pm, VIP Day Course, 6-6.30pm Post in Facebook groups, 1 hour in the evening- #10DBC blog post.
Friday: 11am-12noon VIP Day Course, 12noon Twitter networking, 1-2pm Snapchat (not constantly, just available!), 2-4pm, VIP Day Course, 1 hour in the evening- #10DBC blog post.

On Saturday I’ve blocked out 1 hour to plan the next few days.
Now, back to our regular scheduled programming. One important benefit of sharing this schedule on my blog, as much as I dislike that style of blogging, is accountability. Accountability is so important if you want to get stuff done. As a life coach I know that you’re much more likely to achieve your goals if you’re held accountable by someone, or even just declaring it to the world. That and being really clear on your ‘why’ is a powerful combination: The goal-getting power couple!


This schedule will get me closer to living the freedom lifestyle, because it already contains elements of the life I want to live. By focusing on that, it will draw it closer towards me. It means that I’m showing up, and as long as I keep showing up I believe that I’ll achieve my goals.
And finally…

Dog in backpack

A dog in Yorkshire has been trained to carry her own provisions in a miniature backpack!


*It wasn’t Benjamin Franklin, although it’s been attributed to him all over the ‘interwebs’. But he did say, “Those who live in hope, die farting.” Look it up.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5