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Is Perfectionism A Good Thing?

Is Perfectionism A Good Thing?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest You’ve probably heard the old joke about what to say in response to the interview question, “What would you say is your biggest weakness?” “I would say that my biggest weakness that I’m a perfectionist.” People may find this mildly amusing...
Why Hiding Out Means Losing Out

Why Hiding Out Means Losing Out

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Wanting to hide from the world from fear is a certain obstacle to living a life you love.  What makes us do it, then? Fear:  That’s probably obvious, right?  But there’s more to it than that.  Normally, people have a natural...
Spring Into Action: 5 Reasons To Set Goals Now

Spring Into Action: 5 Reasons To Set Goals Now

Facebook Twitter Pinterest If you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking that April came around oh-so quickly.  It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were raising our glasses to the New Year and all its possibilities.  You might have even made...

Empathy: Do You Wear Your Own Shoes Enough?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Last time, I looked at the well-known phrase, ‘walk a mile in their shoes’, and the benefits of showing empathy.  I also shared my belief that, in short, there is such a thing as being too empathetic:  This is when it becomes...